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Patricia Lembcke

Patricia Lembcke
Has a law degree with a master in Corporate Business Law, both from the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM). Tax consultant certified by the Dominican Tax Association and member of the International Fiscal Association. Participated in the Barna Business School Leadership and Supervision Skills Development Program.
Patricia has more than 12 years of experience in Corporate and Tax Law, both in the private and public sector. She served as head of the Section of Reorganizations of Large Taxpayers in the General Directorate of Internal Taxes of the Dominican Republic, supervising the analysis and verification for the applicability or not of fiscal neutrality in more than 100 processes of reorganizations of large companies, including multinationals and financial intermediation entities. Was the leader of the team that prepared the General Norm of Corporate Reorganizations, which aims to unify the criteria and establish the conditions for the application of fiscal neutrality in the processes of mergers, spin-offs and transfers between companies of the same economic group, through the interpretation and clarification of concepts in order to reconcile the corporate regulations with the current tax provisions.
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